
State Energy Rates


NSF Project Proposal Status

Within the first phase of my business endeavor, every new 70,000th customer is a significant major event because every 70,000th customer will create a new manufacturing for my 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery microgrids for homes, small businesses, and small manufacturing facilities. Out of 222.1 million energy customers in America, providing them with my battery microgrids will take 3,173 manufacturing facilities, and this is just in the US alone.

As Events go, the only ones that excite me most are the pre-registering of 70,000 new customers, which equals one new manufacturing facility out of 3,173 manufacturing facilities needed to provide energy (electricity) to 222.1 million + potential customers Each of the following nine industries listed below happens to be events that will hopefully set a precedence that should allow early indoctrination of my 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery microgrid technologies.

1). 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery technology

2). 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery microgrids for homes & small businesses

3). 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery microgrid XFCS (Extreme Fast Charging Stations)

4). 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery microgrid XFCS Plug-ins

5). Electric Vehicles powered by 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery microgrid technology

6). 4020 quantum-entangled direct current batteries microgrids electrifying a new electric aviation industry

7). 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery microgrids replacing units

8). National Grid replaced by 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery-powered microgrids

9). 4020 quantum-entangled direct current battery microgrids to convert cargo ships to all-electric systems or build my own cargo ship fleet line

Contact our green company in Sandusky, Ohio, the home of the only chemical-free batteries that can be adjusted for any application.


Until proven different I rest on the premise that no other current science is capable of even coming close to equalling my 4020 quantum-       entangled DC battery technology or surpassing its ability to produce its own energy (electricity) which will make all other energy-producing technologies obsoleted technologies.